Max Keiser: These guys are financial terrorists. They should be decapitated.[..]
This is counterfeiting to go along with fraud and embezzlement.[..]
This is a pre-planned financial holocaust by financial terrorists. I think if Bin Laden would be running the central bank in the US he would be doing a much better job and less damage.
….they (Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan et al) are systematically undermining the entire system. They are creating a mechanism to carve out equity and capital for themselves at the expense of society at large.
So in the United States, unemployment is skyrocketing. The uninsured is skyrocketing. The social fabric is coming unglued. You have riots all over the world…in Iceland and other countries due to this financial terrorism that was pre-meditated, on purpose and should be addressed as such.
There is a double standard. Why is the US pursuing so-called terrorists in nations like Afghanistan when they let these guys roam free on Wall Street? They’re the worst criminals of all – they do far more damage.
They gotta get this guy on CNBC….
I totally agree. Max is my hero now. It is true. This economic crisis is far worse than what happened after 9/11, which was the intent of OBL, to take our country down financially (which after Zeitgeist, even OBL theory is questionable). I love when he said Greenspan was the worse of the worst.
Anti-racketeering laws. Man. I just want to kiss this guy. He’s got my vote. It is rewarding crime. They need to get Max on every show in the U.S.
As far as bonuses, even if it’s in their contract, that’s a perfect example of how reckless they are w/the company. How the hell do you write up contracts w/such a huge bonus for the people? No f’n wonder the banks are going down. They’re doing everything in their power to do exactly that. It’s like they’re intentionally trying to bring themselves down. Unbelievable.