[quote=Arraya][quote=jficquette][quote=scaredycat]Alpha males run for office. Alpha males need to mate a lot, frequently and with diversity. Why would we elect alpha males and expect otherwise? Sexual prowess and vigor should be a campaigning point![/quote]
How about tipping lawbreakers off to Raids? Is that ethical?
BTW, Spitzer was told about Madoff some years ago yet remained quiet and apparently withdrew his money since his name was not on Madoff’s client list.
Exactly, why was Madoff protected under bush and for so long? That is an excellent point.
Sure, they are all criminals at that level. Nobody is arguing that.
But the obvious change in power shook up the status quo.
Very interesting times indeed.[/quote]
I don’t think Bush went around protectng anyone. He didn’t even pardon Libby when he had a chance and Libby probably deserved a pardon.
Sometime I think the only way out of this is for the Military to take over and turn everyone one out of elected office and those on the Supreme court. Strip all laws created since the inception of the country except for the amendments and the constitution. Call for all new elections for everyone in congress. Get a new President in office. Appoint a new Supreme Court.
Get rid of all federal laws that take away power from the states. All federally mandates etc. Basically create a federal government that does nothing but the very basics as it was intended.
Basically start over.
PS I am only half serious but its a tempting thought.