[quote=Arraya]Its all a confidence game, which is why CNBC exists in the first place. They need to pipe a voice right into our living rooms, “Don’t worry, everything is OK.” Fuck, they should fire Cramer and put Alfred E. Neuman in his place. Bernake should be dressed in a red robe chanting at the moon. He mine as well be making forecasts from pig entrails, he’d have about the same accuracy.
The FDIC is borrowing money from banks now, Fannie Mae keeps home prices high.
I really have no idea how we made it this far.[/quote]
Actually I rather like Bernanke. How he can seem so calm with everything that’s going on and everything he knows is going to happen is beyond me. A friend of mine said his gold stock tripled today,so of course I told him to sell it,which he didn’t do.”There isn’t much that can truly triple in 1 day and not go down later”.