Patrick Byrne is a charlatan and blowhard of immense proportions.[/quote]
Charlatan blowhards rule Wall Street and arguably the USG? Who are you kidding? If that is not blatantly obvious to everybody then you mush have been in a coma for the last 5 years.
And really, what does that have to do with his information regarding the BS and LB take down?
Misquote. That was Dave responding to my post.
You have to read that part of the thread to get the gist.
Basically, Patrick Byrne has been obsessed with short-sellers, and has made it his mission to blame them for all that is wrong with our economy.
I was just pointing out who ran the website someone else had linked. The site’s content was about short-selling in Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros.
As Dave said, though, short-sellers cannot take a company down (though naked short selling can create havoc on a company, and I am very opposed to that practice).
BTW, we agree about the charlatans on Wall Street. The main gist of many of my posts is my belief that the PTB are a small group of very connected, wealthy and powerful people.