[quote=Arraya]Dave, what does “fault” have to do with anything. Nobody makes a decision on whether to keep bubble priced home based on “fault” of a poor market timing decision, that is ridiculous. If they want to and do not, it is not because of the righteousness of unnecessarily punishing themselves for a poor market timing decision. That would be masochistic and insane. [/quote]
This is where we differ and will likely never agree. I’m old fashioned when it comes to debt repayment (and meeting obligations in general where one’s word has been given). I will meet every financial obligation I have, regardless of the inconvenience to me, and regardless of what I could game out of the agreement, right up to the point of having to declare bankruptcy. At that point, the jig is up – there’s a complete inability to pay. No other choice. But prior to that point, I’ll pay. No matter what. I don’t care how many times the loan has been sliced and diced and sold or who owns it – my word is my bond. Period.
If that’s masochistic and insane, then so be it. I try my best to do business with others who are masochistic and insane like me.