he… I don’t *believe* it as I would the tooth fairy, I have concluded it through much analysis. [/quote]
“Much analysis”? When are you going to share some of this “analysis” with us Piggs? Thus far I’ve just seen a bunch of cut-and-pasted/linked posts – many of which have serious analytical flaws – from other websites that serve to confirm your already-held beliefs. I’ve been here at Piggington on and off since the site’s nascent beginnings and I don’t think I’ve seen another poster that suffers from greater Confirmation Bias.
I would like you to point me to one single instance of original analysis (numbers/quantities should be involved in some respect) on YOUR part on this site. One. Obviously, I’ve only read a fraction of your posts, so this shouldn’t be too challenging for you. I assume there’s one out there somewhere and I’d love to see it…