[quote=Arraya]Are you being serious or sarcastic? Doing business with brutal regimes is not something we are shy about. They only become “evil” if they somehow inhibit or threaten capital accumulation of the upper echelons. If they aid in capital accumulation, it’s not a problem. That is the litmus test, not any professed ideology. There is a systemic contradiction today, where the upper .1% of the US interests are more aligned with the average Chinese than the average american. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.[/quote]
Well, thank you. It is clear there are double standards and agenda. And every time someone buys something MIC, we are eroding our middle class. Every time someone buys something MIC – whether they know it or not, they are making the single digit percentage of the rich richer at the hands of the middle class while the poorer increase. Maybe people justify their purchase or they are in denial or just ignorant, but this is slowly and gradually happening. By buying things MIC, we as a people are unwittingly accomplices in the destruction of our country. I know. I sound fatalistic. And maybe it won’t happen in some of our lifetime, but it may in your kids’ lifetime.
Yesterday I got a package of items delivered to me from the Made in America store. Felt good to know I helped some people work and keep their jobs. Message on their site: “Please support our mission to save and create jobs in the U.S., because China is a Long Drive to Work”
I just wonder how the rich will stay rich w/out the middle class buying their goods when the middle class won’t have the money to buy them for lack of jobs.