[quote=arraya]And the debt problem is directly linked to the mechanics of money creation. It does not function if you don’t have ever increasing amounts of debt creation. That is why they state mandate it.
There is no such thing as having a debt free society with the way money works.. That would mean there would be no money.
Yes. And this is the basis of our problem. As much as everyone likes to vilify Karl Marx, if people would take the time to read what he had to say, he addresses this problem very well. It is essentially the foundation for his beliefs, IMHO. Not saying I agree with all his philosophies, but if one takes the time to actually read what he wrote in its entirety, it’s obvious he was extremely intelligent and had a very good grasp of economics.
Debt-based money creation cannot continue indefinitely. When it reaches its climax, the only possible result is total economic destruction. I believe we are there.