Her stance on energy prices is that they will plummet in the coming years and create a glut as well as grind alt-energy projects to a halt.[/quote]
If energy prices are going to plummet… then what will be the cause of the collapse? (I apologize that I’m too lazy to read her entire thesis, as compelling as it might be. Most of the apocalyptos link the downfall of civilization to rising energy prices with all that implies.)
She just recently left her job and is lecturing and I believe looking for land in Peru.
Maybe you want to make a case that she is pursuing her life long dream of leaving a high paying job and fleeing to a third world country because of economic and social collapse by going around and lowering everybody’s confidence in the financial system.[/quote]
I doubt she was “highly paid” at the Agri-Energy Producers’ Association of Ontario. Their most recent conference had 80 attendees (mostly farmers), if memory serves from my brief readings. I doubt the Association has more than a few employees. Not that that should have any bearing on the quality of her argument… I’m just sayin’.
I think Ms. Foss is a dedicated environmentalist, not materially different from folks that work for the Sierra Club and other such outfits. Her worldview is set (she’s “all-in,” so to speak) and not subject to change. All of which is fine.
But her background is relevant when discussing the biases inherent in her point of view, just as anyone’s is. That’s my point. I wish her the best in Peru. I’ve never been there but I have a friend who has a home there. He tells me it’s quite lovely.