4: 1/3 of it’s victims are young and have no underlying condition. Pregnant women are most susceptible. 90% are under 65
While I agree with a lot of what you said, I don’t agree with this one.
I work in a children’s hospital and all the kids that died from complications related to the swine flu also had some underlying condition. In essence, their immune systems were super run down.
We get a lot of kids with it, but I haven’t seen an otherwise, normal, healthy child die from it yet (but being under 6 weeks old or over 65 and decrepit wouldn’t help, that’s for sure).
Pregnant women who have trouble with H1N1 also have an underlying condition. I’ve seen some die from complications related to it, but only ones that were preeclamptic.
So in my experience, it takes something else to push you over the edge. But, I guess we’ll see. Cuz I’m sure we’ll get shithammered with swine flu kids when school gets back in session.