Arraya is correct. This is the vote heard ’round the world, to paraphrase Emerson and it is not about Scott Brown. This is about the politicos refusing to listen to the people they represent and yes it has been happening for years, but with savvy voters doing their homework, the Washington elite are not getting away with it the way they used to.
Pup, thanks for the support and thanks for posting on this election. You are a courageous poster. When I post it goes to the bottom of the heap because some of the other Piggs presume to know who I am and dislike me in absentia. Many of those same people refuse to read the posts and apparently just read enough to respond using Saul Alinsky tactics. Mostly I am about freedom and commonsense. I am more aligned with Thomas Paine than Thomas Jefferson. We live in a great country and it is our duty to make our elected representatives live up to this greatness and not turn the United States into an ant hill of worker slaves, who serve the bloated Queen in Washington, DC.