It seemed like a lot of passages he excerpted were *muslim* interpretations of the responsibilities of the faith – NOT *his* interpretations.
In response to a wide variety of quotes about Islam, you posted something about Fort Hood conspiracy theories. Kinda weak.
Then you went all ad hominem on the guy. Also a sign of inability to defend your position.
Here’s what I would find persuasive: show me something where actual leaders in the islamic world (preferably some not in the U.S.) are denouncing the violence, and saying “that’s not Islam”. Or, “that’s an old and archaic islam with no relevance to today”. I know *you’re* saying that, but I’d like to hear some leaders with some real influence and heft saying that to their constituents.
You got some of that? You post some of that and then I think you would be making a valid debate, rather than just namecalling.