“Are you freaking stupid??? What kind of moron are you Porkman? You, Porkman, can subsidize him personally, how about that dipsh*t???”
Jim what are you thinking?This buyer’s four kids, when they grow up semi illiterate, because of the poor education they will inevitably get, will go off and die in Iraq, so your kids can finish school and get a job where they are way over paid relative to the rest of the worlds salaries,for crunching numbers or some such thing. Get your head out of your ass JWM and look at the big picture. Watch KPBS for one night and read the sirnames of the fallen. This isn’t a gift from you to them. These are future soldiers for your country. Menawhile you get your lawn mowed cheap too. If you don’t want them to have your money the best thing to do is become a pascifist war protestor…oh but that would make us a poorer country and nobody would pay you what you are “worth”.