“anybody who criticizes greater access to day care is IMHO not in touch with the reality of life in this no-family-support, overworked, crazy society”
Didn’t you create that for yourself?
“even now when they’re big, schools let out at what, 2:30? what si the freaking plan/ where are all these kids to go? statsitically there’s gonna be problems.”
Where are they going to go….try home!
I can’t imagine my child going to school longer and having shorter vacations because there are parents who choose to work over taking care of their children. There are a few families who cannot afford to have a SAHM BUT there are just as many that don’t want to give up their old lifestyle to stay home and raise THEIR own kids. Instead, they are the kids that are either crying afterschool because they don’t understand why their mom isn’t there to pick them up or they are the ones on the playground with “daycare” being supervised by a 19 year girl texting.