Another sad tale of unchecked, runaway residential development, likely all in tatters now. When the PTB in SB granted the formation of all those new CFD’s in the last 15 years, where did they think all these new homeowners were going to WORK? Did they think everyone who bought in a windy, flat tract in the shadows of Cajon Summit were actually “retirees?”
LOL. No one in their right mind would voluntary “commute” every day from there to East LA, Corona, Pasadena, etc.
Now they have 20% less employees to service likely 140%+ of their original city area. This can’t end well.
This is what happens when you elect politicians with stars in their eyes and sh!t for brains who bow to the All-Powerful, Deep-Pocketed, Almighty Developer. Like other CA cities with land to spare (nevermind they have been lizard habitats since the dawn of time), they fell for the bond-money-generates-property-tax-income ruse (Mello Roos, that is). Now they must sleep in the bed they made.
Sad …. the Piggs would do well to take note of the similarities between SB and Stockton.