[quote=an]You can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’re assuming at all Asians are the same. There’s a huge difference between Chinese/Korean/Japanese with highly educated parents immigrant vs Hmong, Laotian, Cambodian who in general don’t value education as much.[/quote]
I do know that there is a significant difference between the different ‘Asians’. One thing that tends to be more significant overall is the tendency to help family members. It is something that I am seeing getting lost in white and black families these days… of course there are always exceptions.
[quote=an]As the Yale lawsuit shows, you’re 1/10 likely to get into Yale as an Asian compare to Black, but only 1/4 less likely if you’re White. So, as a whole, you’re worst off being Asian.[/quote]
Reference for the statistics??
BTW; I assume you are referring to this lawsuit.. ??? https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/03/politics/yale-university-affirmative-action-lawsuit/index.html