[quote=AN][quote=spdrun]Run it on good hardware and it’s plenty responsive. Windows phone is a bad joke, iOS is slightly better.[/quote]I’m running it on the best chip on the market today. It’s still a joke. Project butter was a joke. If you consider animation stuttering, button press respond a second later is responsive, pressing home button takes a second or two to see the home screen, then another second or two for your icons to load in, etc. Now, that’s a bad joke. On either Windows or iOS, you’ll never see a button press taking more than a few hundred milliseconds to respond and transition animations are always buttery smooth. You don’t see frame rate drop during transition animation like Android.
FYI, 512MB-1GB devices with processors from 2 years ago running iOS and Windows are A LOT smoother than 2GB Android devices running the latest and greatest processor. Try and run Android on a Snapdragon S4 with 512MB Ram and tell me it’s plenty responsive.[/quote]
Am thinking of upgrading from iPhone 5 to LG G3, but this is my main concern. I appreciate fluidity (and more importantly, the stability) of iOS, but am terribly bored after years of iphone.