[quote=AN]Since when is RE finite? Have you’ve been to places like Fresno? The are flat developable land everywhere. Btw, owning RE is not a necessity. It’s a luxury. People can rent.[/quote]
Of course there is a lot of undeveloped land in the U.S. Hopefully, we won’t develop all/most of it, because it’s one of the things that enables us to be self-sustaining (agriculture). Still, until we are able to colonize distant planets, land is indeed finite.
Yes, people can rent, but I’d much rather see a society where everyone has equal access to ownership, without the distortions caused by all the speculators — be they flippers or land developers who control many thousands of acres in high-demand areas.
I do not favor the perpetuation of a system that enriches the landed gentry at the expense of everyone else.
The ownership of land has historically conveyed not only social and economic power but also political power; the term “landlords” is instructive. Government has often, albeit to varying degrees and in varying ways, been controlled by the owners of real property. Such has been an institutional remnant of feudal and post-feudal societies in Europe and comparably in other continents. The distribution of property, largely in the form of land, with which the modern economy commenced, the lasting vestige of earlier social forms, has channeled the organization, operation and performance of capitalist and other modern economic systems.