[quote=AN][quote=paddyoh][quote=Allan from Fallbrook]
Paddy: It’s not vitriol. These are simply observations that have come from life experiences.
I guess I’m a little old-fashioned in the sense of expecting folks to have a work ethic, be somewhat stoic in the face of adversity and learn to adapt.
EEhhh (buzzer ringing )
Off point again Allan.
This post is about asking Jeff Bridges to dump the Hyundai ads.
You just lost two more points and you were already running a major deficit. No bailouts on this forum.
Don’t need no Saltpeter. You are wasting valuable time.
Sorry. Off topic again Allan. You have run out of chips and, thanks to Rt.66, your point of view died about 20 posts ago. It’s just the nervous system keeping you alive now.
Your only option to stay in this game now is for you to come up with a POSITIVE SOLUTION for the future of the American blue collar worker that does not require him or her to settle for third world wages.