[quote=AN][quote=njtosd]Why would you get all the money the government would spend on your kids? You have contributed only a portion of that money. The few thousand dollars that you contributed wouldn’t get you very far – maybe 10% of a LJCD educution. The other contributors should have as much a right as you to send their money where they see fit.[/quote]You should seriously reread my post and CAR’s post that I was responding to again. Just in case you still don’t see it after rereading, I’ll point it out to you. CAR’s statement was that parents do have choice, and I call BS. Maybe some might be fine with the status quo faux choice. I wouldn’t call that much of a choice. I’m fully aware of the status quo and I don’t expect any change to happen, at least not in CA. I just like to point out the faux choice that some love point out.
What make you think the other contributors would want to lock the kids into worse schools. I bet you that if you take a poll today and ask if kids should be sent to LJCD school or Hoover HS, I’m pretty sure the overwhelming majority would say LJCD. Why wouldn’t anyone want the kids of next generation to have the absolute best education possible?[/quote]
You have an incredible amount of freedom where education is concerned, but you don’t have that freedom at the taxpayer’s expense. We ALL pay taxes for things we don’t like and/or don’t use. That is the price we ALL pay for living in a civilized democracy.
We homeschool and get NO public funding, subsidies, or support of any kind (some can get public funding if they HS through a public school or publicly-funded private charter). I’m willing to bet that we pay some of the highest property taxes (the primary funding source for public schools) in the county, relatively speaking. We’re not asking for “our” money back, in the same way that the senior citizens or childless people can’t ask for their prop tax money to be returned. And people who never use parks or libraries, etc. don’t get to ask for their tax money to be returned, either.
California has some of the most liberal laws WRT schooling and/or homeschooling. You can pretty much do whatever you want. You can replicate the LJCD education at home, if you wish. You can hire private tutors, or take your kids around the world, or do pretty much whatever you want. Can you do it on the taxpayer dime? No, but why should you be able to do so? Your taxes entitle your (and everyone else’s) children to an education at a public school. That’s all you’re entitled to; nothing more. Whatever you want to do in addition to that, or outside of that, is on your dime.