[quote=AN][quote=jpinpb][quote=AN]Here’s his view on abortion: http://www.ronpaul.com/on-the-issues/abortion/
“Ron Paul believes that the ninth and tenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution do not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion. Instead, it is up to the individual states to prohibit abortion.”
So I understand, libertarian means less government involvement, so less federal laws, but more state laws prohitibing things?[/quote]
Or more state law to allow/encourage things. Not all laws prohibit things. The main point is, not all laws work for everyone everywhere. In those cases, there shouldn’t be a federal law. Laws like no murdering people should be a federal law. Laws like legalizing marijuana should be left up to the states.[/quote]
You can frame it anyway you want, but Paul is in favor of state laws prohibiting gay marriage and abortion, and opposes the federal government enforcing the full faith and credit clause of the constitution. Neither libertarian nor constitutional. (And you are aware that there are only limited federal laws against murder? I think they’re just primarily applicable in cases of kidnapping and terrorism. And a few others, like…you can’t kill the President. It is primarily an issue of state jurisdiction.) I’m with Paul on the marijuana laws. It should be governed by states, just as the sale of alcohol is. Unfortunately the federal government has no respect for these state laws.