Is $90k/year really that bad if you’re making $400-500k/year? Also, what about people who spend less on housing to pay for private school. Lets say you’re a couple who can afford a $1.2M house, but you decide to buy a $500k house instead. The difference over 30 years is ~$1.1M. To put 3 kids through private school at $90k/year comes out to be ~$1.1M. So, if you treasure your kid’s education more than you treasure your zip code, then that might be what you’d do. I live in a very middle class area and my neighbor sent all 3 of their kids to private schools. That’s just one example.[/quote]
Agreed. This is pretty much exactly our situation–much smaller house than we could otherwise afford, but lots of $ spent on private grade school, CTY summer camps, etc. We think it is worth it.