I thought the administrative cost is pretty high up there too?
FYI, no one say teachers should get paid less. I think great teachers should get paid a lot more while bad teachers should be fired quickly. It’s really not that complicated. Just look at every other private organization for example. The status quo is… bad teachers will get paid just as much as good teachers. Sometimes, a lot more if the good teachers are young and the bad teachers are old. That’s is as ass backward as it gets.[/quote]
Administrative costs can be high, but they’re nowhere near as high as teachers’ salaries because there are so many more teachers than administrators in most districts.
And the notion that there are a bunch of “bad” teachers out there is BS. I’ve worked in four different schools and can easily count on one hand the total number of “bad” teachers I’ve seen. Most of the time, a “bad” teacher is labeled that way because they are willing to stand up to parents and administrators instead of eagerly following the newest trends and fads in education (which, BTW, happen to cost taxpayers a tremendous amount of money).
A teacher who’s spent 20 or 30 years in a classroom absolutely knows more about teaching and education that some yuppie know-it-all mother with ZERO teaching experience or education, or the 23 year-old who’s spent one or two years in the classroom before pursuing administrative positions.