[quote=AN]I see life saving medical advancement going to be on similar trajectory as technology. Yes, there have always been advancement. But I feel like we’ll see a parabolic increase in advancement in the next 20 years. Only time will tell, but I believe we’ll be able to live much longer than our parents. Only time will tell, but these kind of advancements that I’m posting seems to be coming fast and furious compare to the past. You mentioned Polio vacine. Today, we have medicine that will keep people alive with AIDS. That have saved millions of people. I don’t have the data, but I would love to see a comparison the quantity of medical advancement 20-30 years ago vs now. My gut is telling me it’s much more today.[/quote]
Obviously, what you believe has no bearing on actual facts. They don’t change based on what you believe.
The AIDS epidemic began just over 30 years ago. Successful treatment began 10 years later. Back when us old folks were born, most all cancers always killed. They don’t now. Mortality rates for prostate cancer, breast cancer, even blood cancers have declined dramatically. The parabolic increase in advancement happened 50 years ago. Might there be another one? Sure. It hasn’t begun yet.