[quote=AN]I guess I wasn’t aware of outsourcing = privatizing. My definition of privatization is more of transferring the completely ownership to the private sector (for profit or non-profit). But I guess after looking into the term, it can mean either. So, I concede that if you’re talking about outsourcing, then yes, outsourcing will cost more. But if it’s transferring complete ownership, then that’s debatable.
You’re right, $135k vs $270k is almost exactly what I quoted. Although, that’s on the very high side. The $135k is also on a very high side to start with for just a software engineer, the $270k is very very high side. Also, wasn’t there some people who said government employees are underpaid because they have such wonderful fringe benefits? The $135k doesn’t bare out that claim.[/quote]
I was wondering whether that $135K was actually the cost of a federal employee doing the work rather than the salary. (those who aren’t as pedantic as I am might think they’re the same thing.) If so, that would make the actual salary probably around $100 to $110K, benefits would increase that to about $135K.
The term “computer engineer” can encompass a whole lot of different jobs. My last gig, I had 130 employees who could all be called “computer engineeers”, though not a single one of them could write code (that I’m aware of). And their average pay was right around $150K, average total cost per employee was $180K (average billing rate around $210/hr. But there were some that earned well over $200K and billed $400/hr. Sadly, we never did any federal govt work.