I don’t see a problem with having a requirement. If your kid clear all the requirement, it’s not like they refuse to let you in. It’s just like needing 3 years of foreign language to apply to a UC school.[/quote]
If your kid does not clear all the requirements (written and unwritten), that severely limits his chances of getting into a good university.
Also, if we know that MMHS students are, on average, stupider and less motivated than RBHS students, but they end up taking more advanced classes per capita, that means that requirements in RBHS are stricter.
[quote]I know schools like RBHS and Mt. Carmel have multiple AP class of the same subject while MMHS only have 1, and in certain cases, cancel some due to low interest. MMHS is also one of the better schools in SDUSD too. This example only gets worse if you compare with schools down south.[/quote]
That does not agree with facts. Numbers of AP exams taken per senior last year: Poway High – 1.55, Mt Carmel – 1.85, RBHS – 1.89, MMHS – 1.96, UCHS – 2.61. How is it possible that RBHS have more AP classes, but its students take fewer tests?
[quote]You’ll definitely have a higher class rank and weighted GPA when your class is not as competitive. [/quote]
And those are both factors in university admissions. No university is going to treat GPA 3.5 from TPHS equally to GPA 4.0 from MMHS just because TPHS is “stronger”. A valedictorian from MMHS will get admitted to UCSD no questions asked, and an equally able student in TPHS will have to jump through hoops (possibly ending up in SDSU or a community college).