[quote=AN]I don’t need to go look at the regulation and take measurements, since I don’t plan to do that anytime soon, if ever. However, with common sense and looking at other houses with the exact same floorplan (this floor plan had a 3 cars option from the builder) and similar lot size, I can safely guess I won’t have issue getting permits. Mind you, there’s one house with my floor plan 3 houses down with the exact same lot size, have 3 car garage.[/quote]
Can I just ask you a few questions here.
What is the approximate square footage of your home?
What is your approximate lot size?
In what year was YOUR house built?
What is the avg square footage of the homes in your area with 3-car garages?
What is the average lot size of the homes with 3-car garages (which are adjacent to your lot)?
In what year were the “3-car garage” houses built (which are adjacent to your house)?