[quote=AN]I didn’t say those property are overpriced. I didn’t say they’re underpriced either. I was just giving the comparison between the properties you listed and the Banister house. I was trying to say, if the Banister house ever sell for $300k, then the properties you listed would/should be selling for low to mid $200k. I already said earlier in the thread that at low $400k, it’s a decent deal. At $300k, it would be a flaming deal (assuming today’s interest), considering it can probably rent for ~$2200/month.[/quote]
FWIW, AN, I never compared the Bannister house or its area to the even older areas I mentioned above. The Bannister house (abutting MM Blvd by 200 ft) is worth more than those two older areas and its area is newer.
I’m glad to see you’re chiming in here and stating what you think the actual value of Wah-Wah’s examples are. It is clear that MM still has some FT homebuyer properties available.
AN, why don’t you predict for us what these three listings will eventually sell for?