AN, I didn’t say that you were “mistaken,” I said you skewed values in 91902 b/c you used some condos to arrive at SFR values. You had the SFR values in 91902 as low as $200K in one of your posts.
On your 3 active listings, two are on Fallbrook Ct. in Bonita Hills. Two houses at the end of this cul-de-sac have about 30 vehicles between them, parked all over the place. About three houses are painted extremely bright colors. It’s kind of a junky street b/c of this. Because the first one is a heavy fixer, the buyers were probably already nervous about it, thus they saw a way to back out when the bank played games over $500. Don’t know what the liens are the buyers would be asked to pay. I don’t believe there is an HOA there. I was in this property before it was gutted and it is very dark inside and the backyard small. The lots (exc. for one with a long driveway) on Fallbrook aren’t very lg. by Bonita stds. Your 3rd active listing is on SW Road (main route to Spring Valley), a “stone’s throw” from the South County Animal Shelter (dogs barking day and night). This is why the low prices of your actives.
On your solds, the first two properties are 70’s fixers. Both need a lot of work, the 2nd more than the 1st. Both still have accoustical ceiling in some rooms. The first one is also subject to very strict Bonita Highlands HOA CC&R’s such as: You cannot park boats or RV’s in front of the most forward part of your house and they must be gated 6’ high. Any non-running vehicle parked in the driveway must be covered. An owner can only choose from their list of paint and roofing mat’l and the combo must go thru them first. You cannot have anything taller than your back fence (6’) stored or built (i.e. satellite dish, gazebo, etc.) Your 2nd sold in “Bonita Ridge Estates” is on a smallish lot where the backyard is directly above Otay Lakes Rd., a main thoroughfare used by residents of 91913, 91914 and 91915. It is also a bus route to all the schools and college and is extremely noisy. Your 3rd sold in Bonita Long Canyon “Colton Trails” is on one of the most coveted streets with the longest driveways and largest lots in the development. $555K is a very good buy for that property as it also has walking trail access to BVH and nearby park. However, the BLC open space suffers from high power lines.
Exc. for the last one in Colton Trails, none of your actives/solds here are “upper MC.” I’m going to revise my demographic for 91902 to “MC, Upper MC and Wealth.” I moved away from there 9 years ago but it is starting to look a little “raggedy around the edges” due to the aging of the housing stock and lack of maintenance.