[quote=AN]Guess what, I went to a HS that had plenty of fights too. As soon as the fight broke out, security came running. It usually ends in <3-5 minutes. Those students then get suspended. So, yes, I've witness what bad students too. Which is why I said there should be segregation of those type of students apart from those who wants to learn.
As I've stated, I'm not a professional teacher and I won't kid myself into thinking I can personally handle the violence. But that's why I said I'll call security instead of trying to handle it myself. As an adult, you should know what you can and can't handle. If you can't handle these tough students, then move to a school where this won't be a problem.
You're mixing two different problems. Proving that there are bad students have nothing to do with disproving that there are bad teachers and how tenure is retarded. Just because you prove the sky is blue does not disprove the leaves are green. Both flu and I stated we had bad teachers in Honor/AP classes. These students are ready to learn. There were no students acting up in these classes.
Please don't lump me in with politicians. You like to do that a lot. I was not talking about "failing schools". I was talking about bad teachers. Yes, the problem is very complex, but no solution can arise when neither side concede that they're part of the problem too. At least I admit there are bad students and parents. You on the other hand things the bad teachers are few and far in between. How can you have an honest discussion about a solution when you're not aware of the whole complex problem?[/quote]
1.) Yes, sending the bad students to a different school is one of my theoretical "solutions" offered above, but how do you counter the accusations that kids are being racially segregated? That's what segregating these kids will look like, and this is one of the main reasons they don't segregate the lower-performing students and kids with more behavioral problems in the first place.
2.) You can't just move to a different school if you think you can't handle the students. The lower-performing schools are usually where the jobs are. Either you work in these schools, or you don't have a job in certain districts.
3.) Yes, bad students, parents, and teachers exist. The difference is that really bad teachers like most of those in the videos you’ve posted are fired AND thrown in jail. The really bad students and bad parents don’t go away. Even if you expel a student (and the parent along with him/her) from one school, they end up in another, so there is a sort of musical chairs thing going on where bad students are concerned.
Contrary to popular myth, tenured teachers can and do lose their jobs. Tenure simply means that the are entitled to due process, which I agree is 100% necessary because of the agenda-driven parents and administrators who often target teachers for no reason other than the fact that they are “old,” or make more than a new teacher, or teach in a way that doesn’t align with what a vocal parent, school board member, or administrator wants.