Getting in on a good deal someone is offering you is neither lying or cheating. Offering someone a full price offer is neither lying or cheating. The seller agreed on listing price. That’s the price they’re will to let go of the property for, you come in and offer full price and they accept. How is that unethical? You don’t know the conversation between the seller and the agent. What if they say, bring the first full price offer instead of bring me the highest price offer, regardless how long it takes? I bought my house and it’s a REO. I submitted a full price offer the first day it came on the market. The agent submit that to the bank. But they waited for well over 2 weeks, waiting for more offers to come in. The bank/seller have that prerogative. They don’t have to accept the first offer that get put in front of them.[/quote]
Good, we’re not talking about legal vs. illegal anymore.
No I agree that your deal was perfectly ethical. And if that’s what happened in the cases mentioned by the OP, then that’s fine. But 1), that’s highly unlikely, because banks just like in your case, typically wait a little bit before accepting the offer. 2) SDR specifically called the agents and they were evasive. Why would you be evasive on something that is perfectly ethical?
I fully admit I don’t have conclusive proof that what they’re doing is unethical, but it seems very likely.