Don’t forget that VOD is their highest margin product as well. Now that Netflix have streaming over the internet as well as satellite have On-Demand programming (also over internet), I think they’re trying their best to cripple the competition, instead of making themselves better than the competition. The only people who will be hurt by this move is the consumer.[/quote]
First ESPN [Disney] blackmails the cable and sat. cos into carrying all the espn channels on basic package instead of sports tier, lest Disney cuts off ABC channel [has already happened].
Faced with ever increasing costs from carriage fees [thanks to doped athletes and Hollywierd elites who are rightfully adored as saints],
cable companies are now blackmailing the “cable” networks into reducing programs on web, lest cable cos reduce funds they pay these networks.
Thus, programming is removed from the web and we end up back with the monopoly. Fine, I cut cable tv last year so the heck with them. Back to good old DVD with no commercials and 20 foot antenna to pick up digital channels. Oh wait, darn HOA.