[quote=AN][quote=CA renter][quote=AN][quote=CA renter]
Only an idiot would give up tenure for something as problem-plagued and prone to administrator abuse as that. And she didn’t double the salaries of everyone who opted out of tenure, only offered to give them merit pay/bonuses “up to” $130K in exchange for giving up tenure. [/quote]
Oh really? Then why not let it up for a vote and let the teachers show how stupid and out of step Michelle Rhee is. If only an idiot would take Michelle Rhee’s proposal, then if there is a vote, no one would vote for it, so there’s nothing to worry about.[/quote]
The teachers DID oppose it.[/quote]Was it through a vote? I thought the teachers’ union didn’t let it come to a vote?[/quote]
In general, the union represents what the majority of teachers want. I cannot speak to the DC situation specifically, but when I belonged to a union, we always had a say in which direction the union would take.
Don’t know if the teachers had an official vote, but they were NOT in favor of losing tenure, even if they could get bonuses for performance. It didn’t matter, though, because Rhee unilaterally imposed her will on the teachers and eliminated tenure.
Mr. Parker [former president of the DC teacher’s union who, oddly enough, started working for Rhee’s new anti-union/pro-privatization lobbying organization…have to wonder what went on there! -CAR] said he had kept an open mind about Ms. Rhee’s proposals, which would raise star teachers’ salaries to $130,000, with bonuses, by 2010, and the two went together before several mass gatherings of teachers in July to explain them. But an August poll commissioned by the union found that teachers opposed Ms. Rhee’s proposal by three to one.