[quote=AN][quote=CA renter]Taxpayers back an awful lot of things like Social Security, Medicare, FDIC, PBGC, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, FHA, some student loans, USDA loans, and all the associated “investors” of govt-backed debt, etc. Taxpayers pay for wars that disproportionately benefit certain corporations/industries, pay for infrastructure that often serves only a tiny portion of the population, pay for “welfare” that only a small portion of the population directly benefit from, etc. The taxpayers have also backed many corporations/entities that would have otherwise gone bankrupt, and have directly and indirectly paid for the egregious compensation packages “earned” by the top execs of those companies who led them down the sinkhole.
We taxpayers have an awful lot to complain about, and the compensation of hard-working cops, firefighters, teachers, etc. should be at the bottom of the list. Those are some of the very few people who actually *work for and earn* what they get from the government.[/quote]
In that case, can we add 401k to the list? Since the rest of us in the private sector also work for it too. If you’re going to bring up SS, then I’d gladly give up SS if I can get my 401k back stopped by the tax payer (i.e. convert my 401k into pension, give me the same % of my final pay for retirement and give me a modest 2.5% yearly inflation adjustment).[/quote]
You, like most other people, had the option to get those very same benefits. For reasons only you know (other things seemed more lucrative, at least in the short-term?), you decided against it. Don’t blame those who’ve made other choices just because your decisions might not have turned out how you wanted.