[quote=AN]BG, Plumosa Park doesn’t have have tree lined street like I’m describing. 92103 and 92101 lots, if I’m not mistaken are smaller than average of 1/4 acre. BTW, when I say 1/4 acre, I mean 1/4 acre usable lot. Preferably 100×100 sq-ft dimension, not your typical skinny and long lots. If I’m not mistaken, Kensington, South Park, and Morley Field lots are long and narrow as well, no? Lemon Grove and La Mesa does have larger lots, but I can’t find any with tree lined streets. Can you point me to a specific are w/in LG and LM?…[/quote]
Plumosa has some pie-shaped, irregular and wider lots. Their “tree easement” is in the middle of the street. Most of the lots in 92104 are 50-60 ft by 100-120 but there are many exceptions and most of them have alley access. There may still be some double lots left (not yet subdivided) within four streets of I-805 and there are larger irregular lots in Burlingame and surrounds. In 92116, the vast majority of of non-standard lots are within 2-3 streets of the canyon rim and most are east of I-15. 92102 has wider lots, especially those with homes ~85 yrs old, which have alley access. It is not uncommon to find ~14K lots in LM (on both sides of Windsor Hill), even walking distance to the village. A larger lot there will likely by 1/3 to 1/4 slope. There are also wider lots off the Lemon Ave and Bancroft exits of SR-125. There are long lots off the Mass exit, north of HWY 94. There are 70′ x 160′ and larger lots in LG off the Mass exit of Hwy 94 south between Mass & 69th St (overlooking SD) all the way down to the trolley line on LG Ave. All of these areas are “tree lined.”
Chula Vista tree easements with wide lots are on 1st and 2nd Aves, F St, G St, J St, K St all east of 2nd Ave. A 1/2 AC+ lot is not uncommon there. These lots are perfectly flat. North of L street between Hilltop Dr. and 1st Ave (SD Country Club area – 91911) are pie, irregular and many 70′ wide lots, some with views. Hilltop Drive (east side) between F and H and going east on G st is uninc. This area has what you are looking for but the sidewalks (except within the HOA) are spotty.
There are other micro-areas in SD Co that fit your tree-easement, lot reqs and price parameters but also don’t necessarily have views.
If I were you, AN, I would drive around to see which streets (and which side of them) that I liked, and then order the plat maps for the blocks that interested me. You never know when something you want might become available … maybe even a clean lot with its dwelling razed :=]