[quote=AN]BG, again, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. Sure you can “have a problem” with these type of situation. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have a problem with a lot of things, but I don’t go around and make personal attacks on people, especially when that person is not around to defend themselves. Also, you only know the details he revealed. Is that all the details? I don’t know, do you?[/quote]
FWIW, AN, I never called Richards names or attacked him. I attacked his ability to be eligible to “sell short” after taking nearly $200K “cash out” and then deliberately squatting because it was convenient for him. Obviously he and his family lived off of and took vacations on that $200K. Who’s paying for this?? I attacked his claiming he “had to move” when he really didn’t have to. His claiming he “had to be closer to his clients” was BS. That was the story he told to his lender so they would accept his short-sale offer. He’d been servicing those same clients for all the years he lived in NV! He deliberately moved AWAY from them because he stated that he and his spouse “wanted a different experience.”
When someone writes an article for a major media outlet and then publishes a book (esp an autobiography or personal experience), they put themselves out there to be “critiqued.” If you think I’m judging him too harshly, why don’t you read the 559 comments posted on the NYT website in reference to his article?
Richards is a published “writer” now, lol. In this biz, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!