[quote=AN][quote=all]This is from her response to A_CHAMP’ Presidential Candidate’s Questionnaire, which is available online. Her answers are political, but she does not question the vaccination program. When asked about autism and vaccination she talks about environment and mercury.[/quote]Isn’t everything coming out of a politician’s mouth is political? So, if you give Hillary an out by saying her answers are political, but fault other politician for making other political answer, then you just come off as partisan. She said “including possible environmental causes like vaccines”. I don’t think it gets any clearer than that. Just like Ran Paul saying what he then, but followed on by saying “I’m not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think they’re a good thing, but I think the parents should have some input,” he added. “The state doesn’t own your children. Parents own the children and it is an issue of freedom.” If you fault Rand Paul for making the statement in the OP, then you should also fault Hillary and Obama for theirs? After all, none of them are truly anti-vaxxers like Jenny McCarthy. But it doesn’t make what they said a good thing, especially when they can be used out of context. As I said, in this day and age of cut and paste and words taken out of context, statements like these give credence to the anti-vaxxers’ claims.[/quote]
Political, as in finding a way to say ‘you are a f*cking moron’ using PG language.
Did you read the questions and the answers?
She was explicitly asked Would you support a federal right for families and individuals to choose for themselves which vaccines they will use?, to which she (or more likely one of her sidekicks) replied As President, I will support efforts to ensure that vaccines are safe and effective, including
independent reviews and large-scale studies. All Americans should have access to accurate and comprehensive information about vaccinations.
I interpret that answer as ‘no’ said in about 30 words.
Btw, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a liar and if she is the D candidate I am going to vote R regardless of who the opposing candidate is.