[quote=AN]. . . When I went there before that, we constantly had to fund-raise because we didn’t get enough funding from the district due to the fact that our test scores were among the top in SDUSD. The area behind Best Buy is currently feeding to both MMHS and SRHS right now. There are plenty of Condo/Townhouses there, so I’m not too worry about this new development.[/quote]
Thank you, AN. It’s hard to say how future multi-family developments would would affect area schools’ API scores. As long as they’re not built specifically to be set aside for various low-income rental programs, the area school scores may not be affected at all.
I didn’t realize you grew up in the immediate area you purchased in. Therefore, I would classify you as a “homie” buyer purchasing on their own turf. You knew exactly what you were buying and know exactly where you are. Congratulations! And I mean that, sincerely :=]