Amen to that. You roll up a line of 20 747’s and all the nuts and bolts are in the same place and the same size and a good mechanic can find their way around blindfolded. Line up 20 people and ask a nurse or phlebotomist or surgeon to do what they do and they will have to spend a certain amount of time getting acquainted-often with someone who is forgetful or fudges what they say.
Actually, this is a partial truth. Humans of different races are largely the same. All the parts in the same places doing basically the same functions – down to our mitochondria. Where it gets interesting is in ‘system response’. This goes to drug response, drug interactions, immune system response. Two nearly identical people can have very different responses to some drugs, ie Warfarin or Coumadin.
The problem with patents fudging what they say can be similar to poor tracking history on 747 repairs. Different patient histories on health behavior can be similar to different maintenance qualities on 747s (which in the US has been mandated to a specific airframe maintenance schedule – something that would not ‘fly’ with people).