Also, keep in mind that the truly beautiful thing about gold is no matter how hellish this country gets or how much power TPTB exert, gold will continue to have value across borders. If you wake up one day and Obama has lost what’s left of his mind, and you realize that for your own protection and safety you need to get the hell out of Dodge, good luck relocating to another country with your garden seeds and food. Oh, and you may have to leave that house behind. I, on the other hand, will quietly scamper out with gold in my pockets and in a false bottom of a suitcase. And I will begin anew in a country that is more receptive to my needs.
BWAHAHAHAHA! Do you really think the TSA Gangstaz are gonna let you waltz through security with gold in your suitcase? Hell they’ll call the FBI and DEA and you’ll be found guilty of money laundering, thrown in the hoosegow, and all your gold will get confiscated. And if you do make it through security, what’s it going to feel like checking that box that says “I am carrying more than $10000USD in currency or valuables” on the customs form at whatever country you’re heading into? There are import taxes you know. Maybe you’ll chance it and leave that one blank I guess. That reminds me of my new favorite TV show, by the way — Locked Up Abroad.
If the Mad Max scenario hits this place is going to lock down like a Supermax Prison. You won’t get past the borders with anything, especially something that glows bright white under a metal detector.
I do agree that gold may spike in value very soon if there is a currency crisis. My fears are that the market is so liquid (very little actual metal moves, just paper certificates) and that the addition of ETFs like GLD and SLV have increased the possibility of gaming and manipulation tremendously. Buying coins and bullion might be a good hedge but of course using this in commerce is illegal and is likely to remain so for some time.
Ever read Dmitry Orlov? He lived through the Soviet Collapse and is predicting the same here. He has a lot of interesting info if you really think we’re heading down that path.