Alright, this conversation is getting a little exasperating.
Is it that hard to distinguish between intelligent debate (political or otherwise) and purposeful attempts to start left-vs-right flame wars?
It isn’t for me. And sorry Brian, you can defend it all you want, but you have done it a million times and your claim that you are “responding” or “defending” is just disingenuous. The comment I deleted was attempt to rile people up and start yet another partisan namecalling debate. If you didn’t recognize it as such, well, I don’t really care.
Any attempt to recast this threadjacking issue as one side being victimized by the other, just because Brian is the most prominent threadjacker, is ridiculous. For instance, earlier today I deleted a profoundly insipid thread by NewToSanDiego called “a modest proposal” because it was nothing but an obvious and lame attempt to start a flame war (coming from the ultra right wing side). Believe me, that guy/gal is every bit as close to Banville as Brian.
So please, people, let’s not make this more complicated than it is. I’m just asking people to not start political flame wars. It’s pretty simple.