I’m intrigued to see (as ex-military) what your thoughts are on the the torture memos and the recent Supreme Court decision on habeas corpus.
Let’s toss out the econ BS because we have no clue on how McCain and Obama will impact the economy. It’s in the tank.
Let’s toss out the stupidity about off-shore drilling since it’s pretty clear that whatever we will be able to pull up will have a marginal impact since global demand is way up.
As for nuclear energy, I’m pro-nuclear, but after Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island, let’s just face the facts that it’s a hard sell.
I’ll ask your views on what I deem are pretty critical social justice issues.
a) Is there a right to privacy even though it’s not explicitly outlined in the Constitution or Bill of Rights
b) Is there separation of church and state? Should intelligent design be taught as “Science” (and if you’re an engineer, I’m hoping that your answer is pretty basic as it relates to how even engineers are taugh re: scientific theory (and “facts”).)
c) Should there be political “officers” that dictate what NIH and NASA scientists/engineers should be stating to the public?
d) Is habeas corpus only available to American citizens?
Seriously, would be interested in your thoughts (esp. after the recently disclosed “screening” at the DOJ for political leanings).
As for expensive social programs, you have any opinions on what’s been more expensive to this country: all those liberal programs versus (a) military program cost overruns (oh yeah, I reviewed a bit of the bidding process), (b) Savings and loan bail-out, (c) Enron and Sarbanes-Oxley, and (d) this mortgage mess.
Somehow, it’s disingenuous to criticize social programs when the military can’t rein its military spending (how effective was the Sergeant York or the Patriot missile system? How much did we spend on the Osprey?) and then complain about the government trying to help the poor when the penalty for white collar crimes that actually impact the economy is so limited.