Absolutely, you’re right. I’m not really referring to the people on this (and other similar) blogs/sites. Most of us are fairly well-informed voters; and while we might have different political/social opinions, we tend to know why we’re voting for someone.
The problem voters are those who rely on the MSM or key “celebrities” to do the research for them. Also, the people who vote for someone because they look like “guys you’d like to have a beer with.” IMHO, even social issues cloud the real issues we should be concerned about, namely economics and how the candidates believe money should move through our system. Again, not saying there is one right or wrong way. Just that we should know what their past decisions/behaviors might tell us about their future decisions/behaviors.
Also, let’s hope the voters are starting to get wise to what’s been going on WRT all the propaganda we’ve been exposed to. I love the internet for this very reason. To be able to come together with other interesting and informed people so we can hash out our differences and learn from one another. Best of all, we know the score, and now have the ability to hold people accountable without having to rely on the MSM.