Allan, you’re making the assumptions that there aren’t *other* vested interests who are behind the attacks against unions. Do you think they’re doing this to be nice? Think it’s about lowering taxes for Joe Sixpack?
I’m all for getting union money out of politics, but ONLY if we get ALL money out of politics. If labor doesn’t have a seat at the table, then neither should capital and other “private” organizations who are trying to take control over public assets and cash flows. THAT is what’s behind the attacks on unions, and not a single “private sector” worker is going to benefit from it.
Ask yourself: Who is responsible for the destruction of our manufacturing base? Who paid to have our tax and trade laws changed so that businesses could off-shore jobs and bring in cheap foreign labor? Was it public sector workers, or corporations/capital?
Again, dismantling the last bastion of labor (and that means ALL workers — public and private) will only make things worse for private sector workers. How will taking away these few remaining decent-paying jobs that are available to the general public benefit ANY working person? I contend that it will harm every single worker in the U.S.