Allan-Sure I’ll concede that many muslims interpret the more violent aspects of Islam. However, there is also a progressive movements that ascribe to the Hadith over the Koran.
Several generally accepted tenets have emerged:
The autonomy of the individual in interpreting the Qur’an and Hadith.
A more critical and diverse examination of religious texts, as well as traditional Islamic precedents.
Complete gender equality in all aspects, including ritual prayer and observance.
A more open view on modern culture in relation to customs, dress, and common practices. Though certain rules on modesty amongst men and women are still self-enforced as a result of the Qur’an’s injunction against immodest dress.
The individual use of ijtihad (interpretation) and fitrah (natural sense of right and wrong) is advocated.
Now, if you have people keep telling them that they have to be violent, it really does not help their progression, does it? Just like christians updated the genocidal barbarism of the old testament with the new testament
Frankly, I see very little difference between the talmudic zionists in Israel and the more vile aspects of Islam. The both preach superiority over non-believers and violence in a very undemocratic fashion.
Interestingly, modern genetics testing has demonstrated that modern-day Palestinians have a direct genetic trail back to the biblical Israelites.
If you want to make a case that it is more prevalent. Sure, go for it.
Again, we are into interpretation of YOURS and others. Yes, Allan it is prevalent but not universal and sadly progressive movements have been stunted over the years for various reasons.
The muslim community goes backwards when bombed. Something about being under constant attacks that sets them back to the more vile aspects of the interpretations. As well as being constantly told they are violent.
Many muslims have no problem separating church and state and oppose Islam as a political movement unlike taxpayer funded zionism as a political movement. It is compatible with western ideals if you allow them to interpret that way, which they are doing more and more.
The theological continuity among the three is Abrahamic religions is profound. Which all basically have the same God. Allah, yahweh and God are all the same. And jesus is the most quoted profit in the Koran, btw.
Now we could go back and fourth writing vile aspects of all three, but does that really help? Why are some trying so hard to form a consensus of universal violent islam. That is the question, Allan? People try and do that to zionism and they get called racists and anti-semite.
From a pragmatic standpoint. There is 1.5 billion of them and growing. What are you gonna do? Declare them all evil.
What will really trip you out is behind the scenes, Islam and the Vatican have made an alliance. Ahmadinejad is quite the politician.