Allan, I already mentally went through the likely responses before I got here.My ruminations about the possiblities matched your pitch exactly.The “simplistic” criticism is a real investigation stopper.
We are bombarded with hyperbole by the “experts” like kraphammer.Generally speaking that is as far as the dialouge ever goes. On the left side you have just as bad. It is beyond simplistic It is inane but always full of justification for “maintaining our way of life” no matter what or how.
Your answers are ultimately hit a point where they are simplistic to me as well. I just don’t accept the debate ultimately boiling down to this idea that we were somehow thrust into this role of the most legitmate and necessary world power innocently and are simply doing what we have to as the lesser of evils including torture. In the meantime collecting the spoils, of course.In the face of what we are now doing, Clinton and Bush administrations, the whole argument can only be validated by those who are in love with power and spoils and more power IMO. (I know that you are mindful of your enthusiasm for U.S. authority in light of occurences under their repective watches). I see us as a continuation of a historically British type world view and presentation and practically speaking we are co-imperialists or hegemonic or what ever you want to call it with them and a few other allies who for various reasons including political are less visible and perhaps down the food chain a distance. Anyway it really comes down to different sensibilties and the level of re-inforcement of same. My type apparently will take a back seat.