[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=CA renter]
And thanks for being such an intelligent, informed, and balanced poster from the conservative side, Allan. It’s always a pleasure to hear your perspective.[/quote]
CAR: Thank you. As I’ve mentioned previously, you’re part of a very engaging group of true liberals, including afx, ocr and SK, and it’s been fun going back and forth.
Although, according to the most tendentious and coprophagic poster on the board, you’re some sort of closet Marxist and you and I are supposed to link arms whilst singing the “Internationale”.
Workers of the World, Unite![/quote]
Would disagree I’m liberal. I’m a fiscal conservative social liberal classic moderate republican. I never left the GOP, rather, the Big Tent left me and took off to the south and to the right and became a religious based party.
Obama is a right down the middle centrist moderate who implemented a GOP health care reform law invented by GOP senators during the Clinton years and enacted by a GOP governor. The religious party that replaced my GOP just wasted my tax payer money voting for the 33rd time against that GOP health care reform bill.