[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Dave: Just so you know, I’ve always considered you something of a GLF (God Like Figure). I don’t know if that qualifies you in Breezie’s eyes (after all, he will undoubtedly compare you to his personal savior, Obama), but it might come close.
I thought GLF was “Good For a Laugh.” I know it’s tongue-in-cheek but you’re going to jinx me, Allan. Please hurl some vindictive expletives in my direction when time permits. It’ll save you time later. Trust me.
Regarding Breeze, all of us are upset at a lot of the crap that’s being pulled these days (reminder: I don’t work for or with Citigroup, Bank of America, or any bank that has received TARP funds), but it’s clear to me that Breeze is consumed with a bitterness that transcends this crisis. And nothing – including economic recovery and repayment of TARP funds, should they occur – can remedy that. If you’ve convinced yourself that you’re a victim and a tool of The Man, then you’re a victim and a tool of The Man. Plain and simple.