[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]KIBU: I’ve never denied that there is a problem. Far from it. Going further, I’ve also written numerous times supporting ANY AND ALL measures that will improve safety and make gun ownership less dangerous.
However, in a neat piece of dissembling, you make it seem as though any disagreement with what you said is “dishonest”. In early posts, you accused me and other pro-gun supporters of being “self-delusional” and twisting facts and evidence to support our position.
It’s obvious that you’re anti-gun and virulently so. Fine. It’s America and you’re entitled to your opinion, same as everyone else.
However, you’ve not stated your plan to solve the problem and continue to avoid answering the question.
Yes, we have a problem. What’s the solution? With details, please.[/quote]
To add to this, I’d like to ask the anti-gunners what their plans are when someone is left defenseless at all times. As it stands, when one has a stalker or other violent criminal intent on harming them, s/he can at least buy a gun and have a chance of defending him/herself. Without a gun, how do you propose to protect these now-defenseless people from violent criminals? Mind you, these criminals will still own guns and other weapons, and they will still be every bit as capable of killing their target(s). Registration has NEVER prevented a crime from occurring.
How do you protect the victims when a determined killer/attacker targets them? And please don’t say that they should call 911, since cops almost always show up to take a report, not to proactively protect a victim of a violent crime.