[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Anyone following the rioting in Stockholm? Going into a fifth straight day now.
Integration is cited as a key issue, as are the economic circumstances of those rioting.
To me, it’s simple: The world is broken down into “haves” and “have-nots”, and when things get this out-of-whack, this is what happens.
You have youth unemployment rates in Europe topping 50% (or more) in some countries. And, it’s protracted and not showing signs of changing any time soon. How do you think this will play out?
Things are gonna get real ugly.[/quote]
We cannot fix the problems surrounding immigration and multiculturalism (and globalism) until we are able to openly and honestly discuss the underlying reasons behind the “nationalistic” tendencies of many/most people in developed countries.
I think this sums it up pretty well:
“We have tried harder than any other European country to integrate, spending billions on a welfare system that is designed to help jobless immigrants and guarantee them a good quality of life,” said Marc Abramsson, leader of the National Democrats Party. “Yet we have areas where there are ethnic groups that just don’t identify with Swedish society. They see the police and even the fire brigade as part of the state, and they attack them. We have tried everything, anything, to improve things, but it hasn’t worked. It’s not about racism, it’s just that multi-culturalism doesn’t recognise how humans actually function.”
Aje Carlbom, a Swedish academic and author of a critical study into Swedish immigration policy, added that despite the increasing appeal of Far Right parties, mainstream Swedish politicians were still reluctant to even ask the kind of questions that the likes of Mr Abramsson was already offering answers to.
“Anyone who wants to regulate immigration is immediately classified as a nationalist, which also implies a racist as well,” he said. “It is still almost impossible to debate this question.”